
For more than 25 years, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) companies have conducted credentialing services for medical and non-medical personnel in support of critical government programs.
Our credentialing specialists utilize a medical credentialing best-practice software that is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)/Protected Health Information (PHI) security requirements, increases vendor accountability and expedites the credentialing process.
We ensure all credentialing and privileging requirements are met and maintained for healthcare providers throughout the life of the contract.
Our screening process mitigates the risk of hiring a candidate who is unqualified, flagged during their security clearance process, or who has adverse actions against their license.
Contract Awards Requiring Credentialing Services for Medical, Ancillary and Behavioral Health Personnel
US Special Operations Command - Preservation of the Force and Family Program
Staffed licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs), licensed professional counselors (LPCs) and licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs) at multiple US locations. Provided credentialing services for over 500 personnel in 16 labor categories working for Choctaw Contracting Services and our teaming partners.
US Army Recruiting Command, Psychology Services Program
Staffed licensed clinical psychologists and social services personnel with bachelor’s and master’s degrees to work in Kentucky and Hawaii.
Air Force Family Advocacy Program Pacific Air Force (PACAF), Europe Region, East and West Regions
Staffed Administrative Program Assistants, licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) and registered nurses (RNs) in Europe, the Pacific Rim and across the continental US.
US Army Family Advocacy Prevention and Education Program, United States Army Garrison Hawaii – Schofield Barracks
Staffed social service Prevention and Education Specialists personnel with bachelor’s and master’s degrees to provide services in Hawaii.
US Army Region Medical Command – Europe, Army Family Advocacy Program
Staffed licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) in Belgium, Italy and multiple locations in Germany.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Overseas Program Support Services
Staffed administrative assistants, scheduling clerks, banking reconciliation clerks, dieticians, registered nurses (RNs) and nutritionists for work at multiple locations overseas.
Military & Family Life Counselors (MFLC)
Staffed licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs), licensed professional counselors (LPCs), Licensed Psychologists, and licensed marital and family therapists (LMFTs) for work at multiple locations in the western US.
US Navy Southeast Medical Program, Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Staffed physicians, allied healthcare professionals, Advanced Practice Nurses, registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), technologists, technicians and medical assistants for work at multiple locations in the southeast US
Patient-Centered Medical Home Telephone Triage, Indian Health Services
Staffed registered nurses (RNs) and customer care professionals to work remotely at providing services to the Oklahoma City Area (OCAO) Indian Health Services (IHS) beneficiaries.
Installation Management Command – Europe, Army New Parent Support Program
Staffed licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs), licensed professional counselors (LPCs) and registered nurses (RNs) to provide services for military beneficiaries at multiple locations in Germany, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Mixed Medical - Brooke Army Medical Center
Staffed physicians, registered nurses (RNs) and ancillary healthcare providers in San Antonio, TX.
Northeast Navy Medical Multiple Award Task Order (MATO)
Staffed nurse practitioners, registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) at multiple locations in the northeast US.
US Air Force Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy (DAVA) Services CONUS
Staffed and certified domestic abuse victim advocates with bachelor’s degrees to provide services across the US. Tracked required domestic abuse certifications.
Fee Based Providers, Military Entrance Processing Centers
Staffed physicians to perform physicals on military applicants for entrance into military services across the US.
