Administrative and Technical Support

Dating back to 1997, multiple Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) medical and administrative companies have provided administrative and technical services to the US Army, Army Reserve, Navy, Air Force and Indian Health Service.
We are committed to being the premier provider of program management, medical, behavioral health and administrative services for federal and commercial agencies.

Our success performing administrative and technical services is built on:
Strong oversight and engagement by our program managers.
Providing comprehensive orientation and training to set our employees up for success.
Implementing technology to streamline processes.
Standardizing processes when possible while customizing processes based on unique requirements.
Collecting and analyzing data to identify and track trends.
Implementing process change to contain costs.
Implementing quality control practices to mitigate risks to contract performance.
Contract Awards Requiring Administrative and Technical Personnel
US Army Recruiting Command, Psychology Services Program
Staffed licensed clinical psychologists and social services personnel with bachelor’s and master’s degrees to work in Kentucky and Hawaii.
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP)
Staffed IT personnel responsible for maintaining a Global Positioning System (GPS) fleet management system at McAlester, OK.
Air Force Family Advocacy Program Pacific Air Force (PACAF), Europe Region, East and West Regions
Staffed administrative program assistants, licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) and registered nurses (RNs) in Europe, the Pacific Rim and across the continental US.
US Army Family Advocacy Prevention and Education Program, United States Army Garrison Hawaii – Schofield Barracks
Staffed social service prevention and education specialists with bachelor’s and master’s degrees to provide services in Hawaii.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Overseas Program Support Services
Staffed administrative assistants, scheduling clerks, banking reconciliation clerks, dietitians, registered nurses (RNs) and nutritionists to work at multiple locations overseas.
US Navy Southeast Medical Program, Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Staffed physicians, allied healthcare professionals, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), technologists, technicians and medical assistants working at multiple locations in the southeast US.
US Army Directorate of Human Resources Military Personnel Division
Staffed managers and multiple administrative labor categories at Fort Knox, KY.
Patient-Centered Medical Home Telephone Triage, Indian Health Services
Staffed registered nurses (RNs) and customer care professionals working remotely to provide services to the Oklahoma City Area (OCAO) Indian Health Services (IHS) beneficiaries.
US Army Reserve Child, Youth and School Services
Staffed a program coordinator, a training and curriculum specialist, a functional technology specialist, command specialists and mobile team specialists to provide services in the US and overseas.
Adjutant General Support Services for IMCOM Atlantic US Army Garrison
Staffed managers and multiple administrative labor categories at Fort Knox, KY.
US Army Reserve Family Program Directorate (ARFPD), Family Readiness
Staffed a program coordinator, a training and curriculum specialist, a functional technology specialist, command specialists and mobile team specialists to provide services in the US and overseas.
